lnnovation&cooperation in naval architecture&marine engineering alliance


About ICNAME2013

date: Mar 25, 15views: 1626

2013 International Conference for Innovation and Cooperation of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering


May 28-30, 2013HarbinChina


The International Conference for Innovation and Cooperation of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (IC2NAME2013) initiated by theHarbinEngineeringUniversitywill be held annually or biennially. The aim of Conference is to discuss the research topics at the forefront of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, and to promote extensive cooperation and innovation of science and technology in the field. This conference will provide a platform for experts from prestigious international institutions and universities in representative countries, likeUSA,UK,France,Russia,Germany,Korea,Japanand others to communicate and cooperate with top research institutions and universities inChinain the field. Representatives from Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MIIT), China Association of the National Shipbuilding Industry (CANSI), the Chinese Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (CSNAME), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) will be invited to deliver speeches on related Chinese long-term policies and development strategies in the field.

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